How To Work For An Idiot

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How to Work for an Idiot is the confession of a recovering "I-Boss" (Idiot Boss). After decades of writing and consulting, John Hoover, also known as Dr. John, finally realized that the vast majority of people he kept trying to energize, to motivate, and to enlighten were, well-idiots. He also realized that he was an idiot for trying to change them. Instead, he has decided to enlighten you, the poor schlubs, who actually must continue working for these Idiot bosses. You cannot change them. You cannot challenge them. And no, you cannot practice anything on them you saw on CSI or even CSI: Miami. But, you can survive them, even thrive under them, if only you know how to deal with them. So, despair no longer—this book offers hope for the spirit, strategy for the mind, and the essential ins-and-outs of dealing with an Idiot boss. And it wouldn’t hurt Idiot-bosses themselves to take a look at what Dr. John says in this book.


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How To Work For An Idiot
1st ed.