The book is a bunch of thoughtful essays. Some of the articles are those contributed by the learned authors in the International Mid Term Seminar under the auspices of Research Committee-35 of International Political Science Association and Department of Political Science on Sustainable Human Development; challenges for technology democracy and justice. The compilation promises to have covered the sustainable development in all its thematic intricacies in a global perspective. The volume encompasses the problems, principles, dilemmas and challenges of sustainable development. Important summits about sustainable development such as earth summit of Rio (1992) and Johannesburg summit (2002) are elaborately discussed. Certain guiding principles of ecological sustainable resource management have been deduced in the edition. The only way appealing to resolve the challenges posed on sustainable development is to fall back to Indian tradition, which emphasizes a holistic approach to nature and life. Each article represents a thoughtful essay as well as thought provoking assay, and less said be taken to be more leaving the quality and the content thereof to be evidenced by themselves with the hope that the literature collected herein would be welcome by the environmental scientists, jurists and courts preaching sustainable development to also muster machinery for its implementation and enforcement so as to counter and answer the challenges faced by technology, democracy and justice.

Human Development and Globalisation: Challenges to Sustainable Development
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Human Development and Globalisation: Challenges to Sustainable Development
1st ed.
xxiv+232p., Figures.
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