Human Rights Year Book 2015-16

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Contents: 1. Human dignity: fulcrum of human rights. 2. Democracy and human rights. 3. Human rights and responsible media.4. Right to sanitation – a human right. 5. Human rights and responsible media – do negativity and sensationalism affect human rights?.6. Human rights. 7. Human rights and responsible media. 8. Poverty and human rights in 2015.9. Human rights in law and in practice.10. Human rights and responsible media. 11. Human rights and responsible media – does negativity and sensationalism affect human rights?.12. Human rights: commitment and â practice. 13. Human rights and corporate governance. 14. Human rights – the states obligations.15. Human rights of women affected by negativity and sensationalism by media. 16. Role of human rights in public law. 17. Human rights need for constitutional amendment?. 18. The meandering voyage of the right to vote. 19. Transgenders and human rights in india. 20. Human rights – commitment and practice. 21. Peer protected right-role of social media in promotion of human rightsâ drought: a threat to human rights. 22. The interplay between human rights and competition law in the european union. 23. Human rights commitment and practice. 24. A human right or a human`s right to take away life? 25. Human rights and responsible media. 26. Human rights and responsible media. 27. Human rights violations today. 28. International law, cultural properties and human rightsâ. 29. Human life has become so cheap who cares for his subtle rightsâ human rights and responsible media. 30. Role of media in promotion and protection of human rights vs. Censorship of social networking sites. 31. Role of media in protection of human rights. 32. Media trial, public opinion and human rights.33. Human rights and seafarers. 34. Human rights of the disabled; international practices and commitments. 35. Media and the human rights: role and responsibility. 36. Human rights: capabilities approach perspective. 37. Human rights and corporate social responsibility: commitment and practice of corporates towards protection of human rights. 38. Mass media-sensationalism, stigmatisation and ethical journalism. 39. Child rights: challenges and practice.


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Human Rights Year Book 2015-16
1st. ed.