The Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi has carried out research work on the pharmacognosy of many of these plants, collected from various parts of India. A number of papers have been published in leading journals for dissemination of these details to the profession. The characterization of mother tinctures and recommendations for their standards have been done all these plants. Unless a meaningful compilation of this large amount of data is made in one book, it will have to be laboriously referred piece meal putting the students and teachings faculty of the medical colleges to great difficulty.
This compilation is presented for the students and teachers of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, combining the data of individual studies by different workers of the disciplines of botany / pharmacognosy and chemistry of the Council carried out over the years at various Drug Standardization Centers of the Council. This will provide a comprehensive and useful data in one place.
The Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, by disseminating this information to the readers, will fulfill a long left need for such a book on different medicinal plants. This will also act as a ready reckoner for reference of the students and practical studies to be done in the laboratories as a part of their practical training in the Pharmacy laboratories.
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