The purpose of present book is to accumulate, systematize and preserve the articles for future use, published in ILA Bulletin from January 1965 to March 1996 i.e. from volume 1st to volume 31st at one place. This book is divided into four parts. Part 1st is the "Alphabetical Subject Index" which is the main part of this book. This part is useful for those library professionals who are in search of articles on some specific subject. Prior to the index brief discussions about the index is made. Next part i.e. part IInd is "Author Index" which provides names of single and corporate authors arranged alphabetically by the surname of the first author. This index refers the searcher to the main part for full bibliographical details. Third part is "Title Index" in which titles of the articles are arranged alphabetically discarding the initial articles. This part also refers the user to the main part for full bibliographical details. Chronological Index" is the fourth part. Here names of the authors of the articles appearing in a single volume–which normally completes in a non-calender year are arranged alphabetically volume wise. It is hoped that the present book will prove to be of great help and use to the library professionals in general and to the students, research scholars & teachers of Library and Information Science in particular.

ILA Bulletin: Cumulative Index (Vol. 1 to 31)
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ILA Bulletin: Cumulative Index (Vol. 1 to 31)
1st Ed.
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