If anyone had to differentiate the closing decades of 20th century from other periods in history, surely acute environmental consciousness and a concern for ecology would be one of the most important characteristics of our generation’s perception. Partly as a result of Green groups’ activities, partly due to the explosion of information about the harm we have already done to the environment, all other issues got thrust into the background. The scientific study of environment is not very old. It draws on geology and physics for its theoretical basis, but the application of these principles to practical affairs is difficult and complex. This dictionary brings together the latest in this field of study to the interested reader. He will be in a position to know the usefulness (or otherwise) of dams, polar ice melt, soil erosion etc. on a solid, scientific basis and be in position to take an independent stand on the shrill war of words between the ‘Greens’ and ‘Governments’.
Biology and Application of Nitrogen-Fixing Organisms: Problems and Prospects
The book presents, first ...
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