Illustrated Textbook of Dermatology

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Many more diseases have been added to the list of curable diseases, and almost every skin disease can be cured, if the patient receives appropriate treatment. Most of the treatment regimens have been standardised to near perfection. All this progress demands that the old books are revised and new schedules/regimens are incorporated. The book has therefore been rechecked thoroughly to update the new edition with the experiences and developments during this period. Since the publication of the last edition of the Illustrated Textbook of Dermatology, this speciality has made further progress in several areas. Many more diseases have been added to the list of curable diseases, and almost every skin disease can be cured, if the patient receives appropriate treatment. Most of the treatment regimens have been standardised to near perfection. All this progress demands that the old books are revised and new schedules/regimens are incorporated. The book has therefore been rechecked thoroughly to update the new edition with the experiences and developments during this period.


Dr. Ramji Gupta is honorary professor of dermatology at Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College, and consultant dermatologist at Escorts Heart Institute and Research Centre, New Delhi. Earlier he had been at AIIMS and Holy Family Hospital. Textbook of Dermatology authored by him is very popular among the undergraduate medical students and practitioners. Three other co-authored books are Multiple Choice Questions in Dermatology and Venereology (3rd edition), Illustrated Textbook of Dermatology (3rd edition) and 'Skin and Hair' in health and disease, some truth, some myth. The last one is a masterpiece for educating general public. He has published more than 50 research papers in various journals. His publications in homoeopathy have won him wide acclaim. His contribution to modern medicine in the form of dexamethasone-cyclophos-phamide pulse therapy for pemphigus has proved extremely effective. This has been recognized at national and international levels and many centres have adopted this regimen for the treatment of pemphigus and other diseases.


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Illustrated Textbook of Dermatology
4th. ed.
206p., 8.5" X 11"