Images and Perceptions in Library and Information Science

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This book is a collection of articles written by the author over a period of time. The images and perceptions of the author emerged out of his experience in the LIS profession for the last three decades. He is one of the senior professional, with a wide experience of participating in a number of national and regional seminars. He has dealt with the problems which are real and specific in the public and academic libraries. The articles deal with a variety of subjects in the field of LIS, such as Library Legislation, Access to Information, Resource Sharing, Bibliographic Control, Price Hike, Norms for Library Budget, Networking, Information Superhighway, Mass Media. The articles contain a quite good mix of theory and practice. They contain a great deal of statistical information. This book is useful to the practising librarians, teachers, students, research scholars and laymen. It is rich addition to the LIS literature.


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Images and Perceptions in Library and Information Science
1st ed.
ix+198p., Tables