As is obvious, a majority of Indian population lives in villages and the villages lack almost all basic amenities, essential for a dignified life, Poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, malnutrition, diseases, homelessness, potable water, lack of transport and communication facilities etc. are the major problems, Indian villagers are infested with. This book assesses various issues pertaining to IRDP and its impact on rural areas. The main themes, discussed here are -Rural Development: Integrated Approach; Planning for Integrated Rural Development; A lesson in Rural Development; Village Level Worker and Rural development; Policies for Rural development; Process of Empowerment; Developing Telecom Infrastructure in Rural Areas; Role of Women in Growth and Development; Development Planning and Women; decentralization of Power; Planning for Integrated Areas development: A case Study; Alternative Fuel for Rural India; Indian Rural health care System; Rural development: Village as Basic unit; and Poverty Alleviation Programmes and Strategies etc.
Impact of Integrated Rural Development Programmes
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Impact of Integrated Rural Development Programmes
1st ed.
Omega Publications, 2007
viii+269p., Tables; Bibliography; Index; 23m.
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