The author, Valentine C. Princep, was an artist of the Victorian age. He was commissioned by queen Victoria to paint an Indian scene. In preparation for which he then came to India, in 1876, and embarked on an extensive 16 month tour that took him to the main princely states in the west, north, and the south of the Indian sub-continent, to make studies for his painting. This book is his journal, and sketch book, that he kept during his travels. As the name suggests, his tour, and studies, are centred around Indian imperial courts. With the keen vision of an artist, he delights in descriptions of the court, and court-life. The palaces, the clothed, the jewellery, local gossip (both Indian and British), snippets of history, personal impressions of the rulers and their ways, and more are described in this book. Often quite amusing in the way it is written, this book has an easy and informal style of narrative. This book is a reprint of the 1879 edition.
Aden, Bombay (Mumbai), Delhi, Agra, Futtehpore Sikree(Sikri), Gwalior and Dholepore, Bharatpur (Bhurtpore) and Jaipur (Jeypore), Ajmer (Ajmere), Jodhpur(Jodhpore), Udaipur (Oodeypore), Chittor (Chitore), Mathura (Muttra), Alwar (Ulwar), Lahore, Rawalpindee, Murree, Kashmir – Srinagar (Sreenugger), Achabal(Acchabul), Liddar Valley, Pir Punjal, Shimla(Simla), Banaras(Benares), Dhar, Indore, Satna, Bangalore, Mysore, Madras (Chennai), Hyderabad, Nausari (Nowsaree).
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