The book records the sensational story of the most gruesome and treacherous murder of Mr. Noel Williamson, Assistant Political Officer at Sidiya and Dr. Gregorson, Medical Officer-In-Charge, European and Native Staff of Tea Gardens, Tinsukhia in 1911 at the hands of Abor tribes in the North-East frontier of old Assam province of India. In sheer cruelty and treachery, the tale of this gruesome murder has few parallels, specially when it is seen that Mr. Williamson had set out on a goodwill mission (the third tour of its kind sice he took ovr as Assistanta Political Officer), accompanied by Dr. Gregorson and 47 coolies, carrying a number of gifts and a chest of medicines for Abors of Minyong. Mr, Willaimson had left for Konsing, leaving behind Dr. Gregorson to look after the sick coolies at Sissin. The former was done to death at Konsing and the latter of Sissin together with majority of their party of whom only five could manage to flee through dense jungles, chased by Abors and the
In Abor Jungles of North East India
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In Abor Jungles of North East India
352p., B/w plates; Appendices; 23cm.
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