It is a book based on an analytical study of theistic, atheistic, and psychological with the author’s personal experience in practical spirituality under various disciplines. The first six chapters of the book deal with theistic literature and cults propagating religious frenzy and blind faith triggering mutual hatred and hampering a scientific analysis. As a reaction, thereof, atheistic religions emerged which are covered in the book in chapter 7. Chapter 8 and 9 reveal other cults. Coming to this age of science, religious myths come under attack, whereby moral values seem to be at a discount. So, the search of scientific religion is the crying need of the hour. The book deals with that search from chapter 11 to 27. The last and the most exhaustic chapter 28 gives answers to almost all the religio-scientific questions that can be asked by any seeker of truth. The author paves the way for a great synthesis of philosophy and science—philosophy for peace of mind and science for material prosperity. The modern age needs both, peace as well as prosperity. A single track approach to life will not do.
Indo-Russian Relations in the Post-Cold War Period: 1991-2003
This book makes an honest ...
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