This is the first path-breaking study on India and Israel, two timeless civilizations that act as the shield for the U.S. centric Judeo Christianity and Hinduism against the Islamic terror. After laying down the paradigms of historiography the author journeys through the genesis in proto history of India and Israel to the formation of Israel nation state and India’s present; from Israel’s sufferings and diaspora to the final miracle in the desert, he touches upon the chosenness of its people, the birth of Zionism, the Intifada and the Islamic terror. Indian history by contrast is briefly told through exception, removing distortions and disinformations deliberately introduced by Leftist historians, debunking the theory of Aryan invasion and laying bare the priceless heritage of Vedic India. Configured geographically and strategically as they are, India and Israel will be the natural leaders in containing Middle East centric militant Islam in any clash of civilizations. The future power equations will posit U.S. centric west with Israel as its hammer head against the anvil of a powerful and resurgent India.
Theory of the World Constitution: Indian and Other Countries
The present times though ...
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