A decade of unipolar world has thrown a challenge to the rest of the world to create such an international structure where unilateralism has no place. The present global order is seen as unstable and unjust. The nation states desire a global order which has both stability and equilibrium. New power centres are bound to emerge in various regions of the world in order to neutralise US domination. Slowly, but definitely, democracy is taking roots in most parts of the world. The economies of the nations are being globalised. Techno-nationalism has started to play a major role in national security calculus of nations. Rise of Muslim fundamentalism and international terrorism has altered the geopolitical thinking of the world. This book examines the vision of major powers of the world; USA, Russia, China, Japan and EU in the coming decade or more. New alignments are underway in the balance of power game in the world. India now has strategic partnership with USA and Russia. It has been moved on the centre stage of global politics. Where will India fit into the emerging multipolar world? This is the subject of serious concern for the political leadership of India. The question is whether the Indian political class, its bureaucracy, system of governance, macro-economic management, its technological and industrial capacity and its military, including strategic forces, geared for the role where the global geopolitics has brought it to the centre stage?
India and the Emerging Multipolar World
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India and the Emerging Multipolar World
1st. Ed.
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