India in 21st Century

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There is no denying the fact that India started from the scratch ever since the initial stage of attaining independence in the year, 1947 and now from the beginning of twenty-first century the country has been progressing very rapidly in all directions challenging the odds and ends confronting the country. It is of course true that preparations for attaining prosperity were afoot much earlier to the twenty-first century and the country has started reaping the harvest henceforward. It will not be incongruous to mention that a number of knotty problems have put India in the backfoot for which the country’s progress was reversed, but with the strong and indomitable determination of the government, India has been leaping forward to be crowned as a very prosperous and powerful country to the zenith, defying the ordeals standing in the way of developing India. India could have prospered much earlier had the path of attaining progress would have been smooth free from rubbles creating problems for India. The author has highlighted the progress made by India in different chapters of this book in all possible direction from the very beginning of twenty-first obliterating the hurdles which are yet to be conquered with strenuous efforts. Needless to mention, twenty-first has been showering India with all-round progress. It is an ecstasy that foreign powers have eulogized India for taking active part in world affairs listening with rapt attention in world forum as a prosperous nation.

The readers of this book will feel proud of becoming the worthy citizens of this great country attaining prosperity in the twenty-first century.


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India in 21st Century
1st ed.
xii+234p., 23cm.