Contents: 1. Indian economy: Strengths and weaknesses/Paranjoy Guha Thakurta. 2. IBSA forum calls for deepening South-South Co-Operation to strengthen global financial system/Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury. 3. Integrated energy policy could be the answer to India's growing energy needs/Aditya Singh. 4. G-20 meet amid recession/Supti Dutta. 5. Sustainable and long-term schemes are key to address food security issue in India/Vikas Singh. 6. SEZs should boost economic growth and not lead to deprivation/Ajit K. Roy. 7. Indian telecom industry poised for quantum leap/Vinay Kumar. 8. Indian economy: new challenges ahead/A. Chanda. 9. 'Guns or Butter' — the perennial debate/J.R. Mukherjee. 10. UPA Government moots major plan for infrastructure development in Northeast/Sanjana Singh. 11. India's emerging financial strategy/Deepika Singh. 12. Bureaucracy, economic policy makers and Indian Economy in 2009/Bikram Sarkar.
Indian Economy Challenges and Solutions
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Indian Economy Challenges and Solutions
1st ed.
Sekhar Basu Roy, 2009
182p., Color Illustrations; 23cm.
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