Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture in A Globalizing Economy (In 2 Parts)


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The book consists of 22 Chapters and two Appendices. It is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the Indian Fisheries. This part consists of the following Chapters: (I) Introduction: (2) Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threat Analysis of Indian Fisheries: (3) development of Fisheries in Successive Five-Year Plans; (4) Socio-Economic Implications of Improved Fish technology: (5) Inland Fisheries in India: (6) Marine Fisheries in India; (7) Mariculture: Present Status and future Potential: (8) Fisheries Cooperatives: (9) Fish Processing -Status, trends & Prospects: (10) Fisheries Statistics: (11) marketing and Trade: Opportunities & Constraints; and (12) Institutional support for Fisheries R & D: The Second part deals mainly with the global fisheries and consists of the following chapters: (13) Long term demand and Supply Projections for Fish: (14) Fisheries and Food Security: (15) Fisheries policies and Legislation: (16) Women’s Role and gender issues in Fisheries and Aquaculture. (17) Environment and fisheries Conservation: (18) Institutions of Governance and regulation of Fisheries; (19) Ocean Governance and Sustainable development: (20) Review of World Fisheries and Aquaculture; (21) WTO and International Trade regime in Fish Products (22) Global review of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing. Appendix I: FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible fisheries and Appendix II; International Law of Sea. The book is based on a long professional experience in the field of the authors and on exhaustive analysis of the primary and secondary data on fisheries and aquaculture collected from authoritative national and international sources. The information is quite comprehensive, covering all-important areas in the fisheries and aquaculture sector. We hope that the book will stimulate action at all levels to help achieve the full potential of fisheries sector in India. The book should be useful to students, political leaders, planners, policy makers, executives, research workers and teachers.


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Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture in A Globalizing Economy (In 2 Parts)
1st ed.
x+385p.; xii+389-746p., Table; Annexure; 25cm.