Vyakarana holds an uncontested place of honour in Indology, and Panini’s grammar in particular is a basic source in argumentation not only among Paniniyas but also for students of Indian literature and sastras regardless of their particular areas of concentration. In this volume are published thirteen contributions presented in the Vyakarana section of the twelfth World Sanskrit Conference. The papers represent a considerable breadth of interest.
Most of the studies concern technical aspects of Paninian grammar. Several papers deal with facets of Panini’s metalinguistic usage and four studies with points concerning derivational procedures and particular sutras related to them. Two papers concentrate on questions of syntax and two other scholars treat subjects of primarily historical interest.
George Cardona was born in New York City in 1936. He received a doctorate in Linguistics, specializing in comparative Indo-European, from Yale University in 1960. In India, he studied Paninian grammatical works and texts in other sastras with Jagannath S. Pade Shastri of Vadodara (Baroda), Ambika Prasad Upadhyaya, K.S. Krishnamurti Shastri of Chennai (Madras), and Raghunatha Sharma of Varanasi and Chhata. Since 1960 he has taught at the University of Pennsylvania, where he is Professor of Linguistics. He has also taught at several other universities as a visiting professor, He was a fellow of the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioural Sciences, Palo Alto, in 1971-1972, and was Collitz Professor at the summer institute of the Linguistic Society of America at University of Illinois in 1978. He is a past president of the American Oriental Society (1989-90) and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Philosophical Society.
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