Indian Political System

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India is having a parliamentary democratic system of governance. It’s a quasi-federal state. It has the features of a unitary state also. While all the powers including national security, external affairs, etc., are vested with the Centre, the states enjoy all other powers. However, several aspects of our political system very often appear to be not suitable for our people. Our multi-party political system results in several sorts of exploitation and rifts in our society. To make this system a success, the common people should be made aware of this very system, their leaders and the exploitation to which they are subjected. Therefore this book presents a thorough study of Indian Constitution and polity. In short, this book gives an elaborate picture of Indian political system for the benefit of scholars, students and general readers.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mohammad Abbas Khan

M. Abbas Khan, MBA is a management consultant by profession having staunch inclination toward academic activities. Has contributed many papers and articles in professional journals of repute. He has authored many outstanding books on varied topics.


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Indian Political System
1s ed.
vii+291p., Bibliography; Index; 23cm.