Indian Political Tradition: From Manu to Ambedkar

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Indian Political Tradition: From Manu to Ambedkar provides a lucid summary of sixteen Indian political thinkers representing different political traditions of different phases-broadly two-ancient and modern, beginning with the period of renaissance. These include two ancient thinkers-Manu and Kautilya-no medieval seer and the rest covering modern thinkers like Rja Rammohan Roy, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Madhusudan Das, Aurobindo Ghosh, Mahatma Gandhi, Gopabandhu Das, Jawaharlal Nehru, Manavendranath Roy, Subhas Chandra Bose, Jayaprakash Narayan and Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar. The choice of thinkers and political traditions has been both representative and appropriate to different phases of Indian history. They highlight the seminal role and importance of the overall Indian heritage and the specific political culture and tradition. Every chapter includes a biographical sketch, seminal concepts and contributions of each thinker from a comparative perspective and ends with a critical appraisal, a list of relevant references has also been given. The book will suit the needs of all categories of readers-graduate and post-graduate students of universities, those preparing for various competitive examinations, teachers, scholars and the general readers.


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Indian Political Tradition: From Manu to Ambedkar
1st ed.
xvi+436p., 23cm.