Indian Polity: Structure and Process

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In a political democracy, it is inevitable that the polity keeps changing in keeping with the times. Only by being flexible in attitude, but rigid in principles can the integrity and diversity of the social fabric be maintained. The role of the state in the social transformation of its people cannot be over-emphasised. Indian polity: Structure and Process attempts a broad canvas of the state of Indian polity today. In simple and clear language, the concepts and precepts that make up politics is explained in easy terms, shorn of the verbiage and ambiguity that politics entails. The chapters have been planned to highlight how the basic polity of India could never be eroded, even when under Moghul subjugation or British rule. Rather, its strength and vigour promoted social integration, a necessity seeing the wide diversity of the people of India. This book is a valuable addition to the field of political science and professors, teachers, students and researchers will find it a useful guide in the furtherance of their academic endeavour.


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Indian Polity: Structure and Process
1st ed.