Indian Trees: An Account of Trees, Shrubs, Woody Climbers, Bamboos and Palms Indigenous or Commonly Cultivated in the British Indian Empire

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This is a special edition to mark the 185 birth anniversary of the father of Indian Forestry, Dietrich Brandis. It was Brandis' knowledge, interest and foresight that led to the development of forestry as a science as we know it today.This book is Brandi's principal work. It took him eight years to put this book together and he was 75 by then. It contains a lifetime of research, and practice on the knowledge of flowering trees, shrubs, woody climbers, bamboo and palms indigenous to India. Covering over 4400 species, the book documents literature on their size, distribution and description. Author has also included illustrations where necessary. It is hoped that this edition will prove useful to naturalists, foresters and all those interested in the protection of the forests Brandis worked to conserve.


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Indian Trees: An Account of Trees, Shrubs, Woody Climbers, Bamboos and Palms Indigenous or Commonly Cultivated in the British Indian Empire
viii+768p., 28 Color Plates; Figures;