The dawn of 21st century is clouded by unheard-of perils to the performance of the natural world. In a globally interconnected economy, fast detorestation, falling water tables, erratic climate change and environmental pollution could harm economies around the world in the decades to come. During the past century, world population hs increased by more than 4 billion 0 three times the number of people at the beginning of the century. At the same time, the use of energy and raw materials has increased more than ten times. Such trends cannot continue for many more years. As the 21st century advances, the great challenge is whether we can marshal our resourcefulness to avert – rapidly enough environmentally-based economic fall. The 20th century dawned with outstanding optimism. Major advances in extensive lighting and the emancipation of women were widely predicted. The darkest hours of the 20th century, including two world wars and more than a billion people living in misery, were absolutely unproductive. At the dawn of 21st century, faith in technology and human progress which was a century ago still persists. In the glamour of information technology, many of today’s economic thinkers seem to have forgotten that our modern civilization, like its fore runner, is to a great extent dependent on its ecological foundations – which the present economy is now eroding. The future of budding generations in the 21st century and ever afterwards shall be rosy if natural resources are used prudently. We need growth without eco-disasters. We shall have to sweat to build environmentally sustainable global economy. We shall have to accord priority to sustain and strengthen sufferings. We have achieved growth of materials but have miserably to attain growth of mankind. It is hoped that the vast information contained in the book will help the students, teachers, researchers and administrators alike, in their pursuits.
India’s Environment
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India’s Environment
1st ed.
viii+225p., Figures; Tables; Index; 23cm.
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