This book entitled "India’s Global Human Rights Obligations" is written with an intention to broaden the horizons of human rights education in India. Based on the level of adherence to the global human rights instruments. India has respective amount of corresponding global obligations. Like-wise this handbook is divided into three sections. Section A deals with concrete global obligations as India has been a consultative party (CP) to these international human rights instruments. Section B deals with such international human rights instruments to which India is a signatory and not yet a ratifier. Therefore, the level of global obligation involved is much less in terms of degree of adherence and implementation at national level. Prominent among this category are instruments such as, convention on the nationality of married women; and convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Section C incorporates such human rights instruments/declaration/documents which are important for India’s consideration for very many obvious reasons such as being a member to the UN or other larger regional organizations, etc.
Women and Psychology
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