India’s Nuclear Policy, Disarmament & International Security

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India’s nuclear doctrine is based on maintaining a minimum credible deterrent and a no-first use policy as opposed to nuclear war fighting doctrines or postures of launch on warning. It is, therefore, natural for India to take threat of break out of nuclear war. The main objective of India’s nuclear policy is to ward off the threat of nuclear war, half the arms race and safeguard and strengthen universal peace. We believe that this volume based research articles will be helpful to the both decision makers and the general public. In this nuclear age this book will make a new contribution to promoting peace, progress and security. Now Nuclear weapons threaten to destroy not only every thing that our civilization has created over the age but life on Earth as well, Reason must triumph while there is still time.


Dr. S.K. Mishra is presently Sr. Lecturer in Defence Studies department, Govt. P.G. College, HISAR. With the teaching career spanning over 26 years. He has number of Books, research paper and articles published to his name in reputed Publishers and Journals. He has awarded two time ministry of defence for book writing and ones awarded from ministry of human resources and development. This diligence, devotion and ruthless pursuit to cause of discipline reflect in his publication of Books (25) research paper (51) conduct of research project (2) and attending seminar and workshop (62) across the length & breadth of the country.


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India’s Nuclear Policy, Disarmament & International Security
1st ed.
xvi+284p., Tables; Figures; References; 23cm.