The slow growth of SAARC and the disintegration of the USSR have all led to the recognition of the scope and potential for India to find new partners hence with the announcement of look east policy in 1992 initiated the process of revitalizing India’s economic partnership with the ASEAN countries. During the look east policy period the country attempted to enhance trade and investment linkages with some of the ASEAN economies after India become a sectoral dialogue partner with ASEAN the trade between India and ASEAN has increased more than thressfold and hold immense potential for the future. Today ASEAN India cooperation has been extended to diverse fields. In the light of these developments this study aims at exploring the relations between India and ASEAN Indonesia Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand.
The reason for taking these ASEAN-5 is when the trade figures of other five nations are compared with the corresponding figures of ASEAN-5, we find these countries are absolutely minuscule in India’s trade and moreover the thrust of India’s look east policy lies in ASEAN-5.
The study is organized into seven chapters. The first chapter presents the introduction along with the objectives hypothesis and methodology. A review of the earlier studies is presented in the second chapter. The third chapter gives an account of the five ASEAN economies under study and also focuses on India’s look East policy and its prospects for future. An analysis of India’s trade structure is presented in the fourth chapter. The fifth chapter is devoted to examine the intensity and reciprocity of India’s trade with the ASEAN. Sixth chapter focuses on the revealed comparative advantage of India and the ASEAN economies under study along with their export specializations. The summary findings and policy implications are presented in the last chapter.
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