In the modern medicine also plants occupy a very significant place as a raw material for some important drugs although synthetic drugs and antibiotics brought about a revolution in controlling different diseases. But these synthetic drugs are out of reach of millions of people. The whole book moves around the fulcrum of traditional herbal knowledge of Indian tribesmen. It is the finest attempt to explain the traditional herbal knowledge of Indian tribal regions which are very different in terms of forest, vegetation, cultures, and beliets. Nevertheless, explain the traditional herbal The most amazing aspects of tribal peoples is their boundless knowledge of medivinal plants, but even more remarkable is how they could have acquired such knowledge. There are more than 100,000 plant species in tropical rainforests around the globe, how did indigenous peoples know what plants to use and combine, especially when so many are either poisonous or have no effect when ingested. Many treatments combine a wide variety of completely unrelated innocous plant ingredients to produce a dramatic effect. Some like curare of the Amazon are orally inctive, but when administered to muscle tissue are lethal. The present book will serve not only as an excellent reference material but also as a practical guide for herbal healers, Vaidhyas, Hakims, research workers and students in the field of medivinal Plants.
Studies in the Philosophy of Healing
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