World population explosion, nuclear explosion, vehicular explosion, deforestation, habitation over mountains and in oceans, etc. have subsequently led through ages to severe pollution threatening the very existence of life on this globe. Costly pollution management technologists are not practically feasible. Hence, modern, cheaper, feasible biotechnologies which may perhaps cope with the varietal problems of environmental pollution have been evolved on a large scale. This book, Industrial Pollution and its Management, incorporates critical articles on various facets of industrial pollution and its possible management strategies. There are 19 chapters covering holistic information on the subject. The book includes articles on management of chromium in industrial wastewaters; strategies for biological treatment of industrial wastewater; decolorisation and treatment of recalcitrant dye industry wastewater containing azo dyesl integrated eco-friendly management of solid wastes of pulp industry; fluoride contamination and its remediation; and petha industry waste management by vermitechnology. An excellent treatise comprehends the latest information on biotechnology in pollution management. Articles on factory waste management, hospital waste management and bioremediation of oil pollution have added to the value of the book. This book will definitely serve not only as an excellent reference material but also as a practical guide for environmentalists, teachers, students and research workers.
Industrial Pollution and its Management
by P C Trivedi
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Prof. Pravin Chandra Trivedi (b. 3 March 1953), Ph.D., Post-Doct. (U.S.A.), F.L.S. (London), F.B.S., F.P.S.I., F.B.R.S., F.M.A., F.E.S., F.N.R.S., F.I.A.A.T., Professor, Department of Botany, has a brilliant academic career standing first in all examinations. Prof. Trivedi served as Head, Department of Botany and Coordinator, P.G. Course in Biotechnology (2003-06); Director College Development Council (2001-04); Vice-Principal, Maharaja's College (2000-03) and is Member of BOS in eight universities. He worked as Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Department of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, U.S.A. in 1983-84. Prof. Trivedi has 33 years of teaching and research experience in the University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. He has published more than 200 research papers and review articles in journals of repute. He has edited and written 86 books and guided 30 Ph.D. students. He has been the Principal Investigator of 20 major research projects funded by national organizations. He is an elected Fellow of nine reputed academic bodies. Dr. Trivedi visited several major research laboratories and delivered invited talks in many international conferences held in the U.S.A., Canada, the U.K., Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Japan, Denmark, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Singapore, Austria and Belgium. Prof. Trivedi is an elected Secretary of the Indian Botanical Society (2005-2007); Council Member of Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata (2007-08) and a member of the editorial and advisory boards of eight reputed journals. For his research contribution he was awarded Scientist of the Year Award (2001); M.J. Narsimhan Award (2004) and Bioved Fellowship Award (2005). He has organized 15 national seminars and participated in many at national and international levels. His major research interest includes Plant Nematology, Medicinal Plants, Ethnobotany, Biodiversity Conservation and Biotechnology.
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Industrial Pollution and its Management
1st ed.
xiv+322p., Tables; Figures; References; Index; 26cm.
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