Information Access Management: An Academic Perspective in Digital Era

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Information could be accessed from books, periodicals, theses, dissertations and other published documents both in print and electronic media. Such information resources form part of the sources of information for academic and research activities in Indian higher education system.

Consortia (such as UGC infonet, AICTE-INDEST, CSIR, and FORSA) are an association of two or more individuals with the objective of participating in a common venture or pooling their resources for achieving a common goal. E-resources and scholarly information can be disseminated via consortia which are all about sharing resources and improving access to information. Consortia based subscription to electronic resources provides access to wider number of electronic resources at substantially lower costs.

An institutional repository consists of formally organized and managed collections of digital content generated by faculty, staff, and students in any institution. The content of these repositories can be integrated with on campus library and course management systems thus providing access to fellow professionals and students at other institutions as well as to the general public.

The academic library and publishing communities have been coping with imperfect solutions to the problems of controlling access, since the earliest days when information resources were available online. The internet and web fulfill to make everything available to everyone but they did not, until recently include an established, pervasive and globally.


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Information Access Management: An Academic Perspective in Digital Era
1st. ed.
viii+192p., Figures.