Information Technology and Library Evolution

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The new information and communication technologies, undoubtedly, has changed the way the library has existed through thousands of years. These changes are a part of the evolution that has been occurring over thousands of years. The challenges imposed by new technologies, as much as they may seem unprecedented and unique, are merely the latest knot in a string of uninterrupted changes and adaptations taking place since the first libraries appeared in the Mesopotamian Plains.

This book will help the readers not only to better understand libraries place in the past, but also to understand its position, potential, and challenges in present. Designed for practicing librarians, information scientists, teachers and students of library and information science, this book elaborately describes the applications and challenges of modernization and digitization of library resources. This book argues that libraries will continue to meet new challenges as they did in the past, though perhaps with an even greater intensity than before, to carry their mission into the electronic age and thus to play a pivotal role in the future.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Purushotham Tiwari

Purushotham Tiwari, a well-known library and information scientist, is working as a professor of library and information science since 2000. His teaching areas cover information science; library automation, electronic information management and copyright issues. His research interests are based around knowledge management, citation studies, electronic information, digital library issues and the development of electronic publishing and electronic libraries. He has been a member in the editorial board of many scholarly publications. He also serves as a consultant to commercial organisations, database producers, academic institutions, libraries and government departments on market research, national information policies, business development, copyright, licences, data protection and database design.


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Information Technology and Library Evolution
1st ed.
8131300374, 9788131300374
viii+271p., Figures; Bibliography; Index; 24cm.