Inner Quest The Path of Spiritual Unfoldment

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Inner Quest weaves more than 100 questions and answers on subjects seekers want to know about: The Sacred in Everyday Life – Choosing a Path Meditation – – Mantras – Understanding the Mind Overcoming Obstacles – diet and Nutrition – – Karma Death and Dying – Reincarnation –Relationships Teachers and Students – Chakras Higher Consciousness – Enlightenment . To answer these questions, Pandit Tigunait draws on the knowledge he gathered from the spirituares, accomplished teachers, his own spiritual journey as well as his experiences with other seekers and students on the path. Inner Quest grew out of Pandit Rajmani Tigunait’s bi-monthly column by the same name in Yoga International magazine.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Ph.D., is the spiritual head of the Himalayan Institute, a life-long practitioner of meditation, and a scholar of the ancient scriptures. He is a disciple of Sri Swami Rama of theancient scriptures. He is a disciple of Sri Swami Rama of the Himalayas, and has studied with various adepts and Scholars in the ancient guru/disciple lineage. He is a regular contributor to yoga International magazine and is the author of the books Seven Systems Systems of Indian Pbilosophy, Yoga on War and Peace, The Tradition of the Himalayan Masters, Shakti Sadbana, and Inner Quest. He gives lectures and seminars throughout the United States and abroad.


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Inner Quest The Path of Spiritual Unfoldment
Ist ed.
xiv+ 185p., B/w Plates; Glossary; 15cm.