Documentation on the diverse insects, mites and vegetable crop pests in Bangladesh has been rather scanty and sporadic. It is difficult to get the scientific names along with the taxonomic position of all the recorded insect and mite pest species of vegetable crops in one document. Efforts have been made in the present publication to bring together all insect and mite pests associated with the vegetables crops recorded in whatever form since 1948 to date, along with their current scientific names, orders, families, pest status, etc. The insect and mite pest diversity in the vegetable crops ecosystems will not only remind us of their richness and status, but will also help us understand their roles in maintaining the natural balance in the ecosystem. This will also facilitate the research and documentation of insects from other cropping systems. It is hoped that the publication will be of use to the students, academics, scientists, extension personnel environmentalists, etc. This publication is an additional outcome of the biodiversity strategic action plan project.
Concepts in Nano Biochemistry
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