The book focuses on all the major international intellectual property treaties and many cultural developments–the arrival of the computer age, copyright law, past technological developments, technological infrastructure, and economic consideration of international trade and intellectual property patented inventions and unfair competition and as a result both statutory intellectual property law and trade and the economic characteristics of ideas, that form the focus of most economic thinking; in recent years India’s domestic provisions into international standards, the case for intellectual property rights under enhanced intellectual property rights protection; Indian common heritage of mankind, Ayurveda Yoga; the author enlightening us with case studies of conflict both in developed and developing countries, transplanting of intellectual property values; copyright laws, authorship; cultural problems and harmonization folklore and culture; neighbouring rights, protection of performance, broadcast and sound recording, TRIPS, Rome convention, protection of cultural patrimony cultural nationalism: UNESCO convention, on cultural property. Protection of authorship as a cultural value EC view of authorship; moral rights delegate; Berne convention: Historical and philosophical foundation; moral rights in selected countries; Canadian Free Trade Agreement; and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); "Television without Frontiers" of the EC; cultural diversity; Americanization of culture; multilateral treaties to intellectual property protection. "Special 301 actions", WIPO; WTO and Treaty obligations, Vienna convention; territorial view of intellectual property and the problem of reciprocity and jurisdictional dilemma, enforcement paradigm. The author concludes with a thorough study of major international copyright conventions; historical overview, major provisions, and reciprocity treaties.
Intellectual Property Rights: Heritage Science and Society Under International Treaties
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Intellectual Property Rights: Heritage Science and Society Under International Treaties
1st ed.
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