The river water disputes of the modern world are becoming seeds of unending quarrels between states. They are creating not love and compassion but waves of disharmony and distrust amongst people of neighbouring areas. In our own country, there are many rivers which have become sources of disharmony amongst states. We have disputes with Pakistan on one side and Bangladesh on the other over utilisation of river waters. In addition, in the country itself many rivers which are carriers of life’s sustaining waters have become constant sources of friction and dispute between states. Every state tries to utilise as much water as it can, irrespective of the content of awards, judicial pronouncements and mutual settlements. They necessarily lead not merely to inter-state disputes but also affect the integrity and integration of India. In spite of the gravity of the situation and its importance, so far, comparatively speaking, fewer treatises than the problem warrants, have been written by scholars. While there is plethora of legislation on several aspects, there are fewer laws made in regard to river water disputes. This timely book studies the entire gamut of river water disputes in India. The wide range of this study is very informative and useful. It gives a valuable introduction to the theme and logically moves on to the elaboration of the constitutional and statutory provisions on the subject. Disputes settlement machinery is dealt with, which is a comprehensive part of the treatise. In its wide range, it discusses in meticulous detail aspects like matters relating to the subject, adjudication on disputes respecting water in rivers Krishna, Godavari, Narmada, Ravi-Beas and Cauvery. Every single dispute is analysed with precision and factual authority. They are marked by studious and diligent research and analysis. The reader is given a clear picture of the nature and history of each and every dispute. In the end, the author gives his "conclusions and suggestions". This is a very valuable part of the book.
Radical Changes By Education
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