International Economics

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International Economics is the study of economic interactions among countries — including trade, investment, financial transactions and movement of people — and the policies and institutions that influence them. More and more, businesses, governments and consumers realise that their lives are increasingly affected, not just by what goes on in their own town, state or country, but by what is happening around the world. Consumers can buy goods from all over the world in their local shops. Local businesses must compete with these foreign goods. However, these same businesses also have new opportunities to expand their markets by selling in a multitude of other countries. This book provides an up-to-date introduction to international economics. It examines all major international economic problems and how they can be resolved. Although the primary audience for the book will be students in upper-level economics courses, it can effectively reach a broad, diversified group of audience–including those in political science, international studies, history and business who may have fewer economics courses in their background.


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International Economics
1st ed.
viii+314p., Figures; Tables.