Prof. Averineni Seeta Rama Swamy (born 1940) obtained M.Sc. in geology from Andhra University, Waltair, Visakhapatnam in the year 1963, was awarded C. Mahadevan Shastyabdiphuthi Prize, and Ph.D degree on his work on the Krishna River delta sediments. He joined the Department of Geology, Andhra University as lecturer in 1972 and became professor and head of the department. He has engaged himself in the study of coastal sediments of India, particularly the study of delta regions. He was UNESCO/UNDP fellow at Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, New York and Coastal Studies Institute, Baton Rouge, U.S.A. in the year 1981. He carried out research projects on the east coast of India sponsored by ONGC, DST, DOEN, AMD and UGC; guided a number of students for Ph.D., mostly on various aspects of coastal sediments of India, and published more than fifty research papers in the fields of sedimentology and marine geology. He initiated Delta Studies Institute (1996) at Visakhapatnam and was its coordinator (1996-2000), and started training programme on modern deltas for the universities and oil companies. Prof. A.S.R. Swamy is engaged in active research on deltas and in organizing courses on delta sedimentation at Andhra University.
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