The International Encyclopedia of Health, Nutrition, Physical Fitness, and Health Science Studies provides comprehensive coverage of all aspects of the Health Science, Medicinal Plants used in Health, Nutrition and Physical Fitness. It has been planned and written with the all-important object in view of making known to the public the principles of health and good living. It will be found that in these volumes is incorporated the latest possible information on new medical discoveries and developments. This has only been made possible by the co-operation of many leading specialists in the fields of practice and research, who have contributed to this work. Thus many new facts are included, which have not yet had time to find their way into the standard medical textbooks. In the volume 3 and 4 of the encyclopedia is placed of supplements that have been specially written by leading authorities, on such subjects as, Care and Management of Baby, Child Welfare, First Aid in Emergencies, Nutrition, Diet and Invalid Cookery, The Science of Beauty Culture, Athletics & Remedial Exercises, Preservation of Health; etc. These supplements have been selected both from the point of view of their utility and of their interest to every thinking man and woman. In addition these volumes contains countless facts on common ailments and obscure diseases; the structure and functions of the various organs; hospitals and spas; sanitation and ventilation; medicinal plants and their uses; X-rays and radium; artificial sunlight and massage; alcohols and drugs, food and nutrition, and nearly 3,500 other subjects. The aim of the editors has been to produce a comprehensive work which will be of use to a wide variety of users; students; instructors, teachers, researchers, and health care professionals.
International Encyclopedia of Health, Nutrition, Physical Fitness and Health Science Studies (In 4 Volumes)
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International Encyclopedia of Health, Nutrition, Physical Fitness and Health Science Studies (In 4 Volumes)
1st ed.
Asiatic Publishing House, 2008
xi+427p., 429-858p., 859-1296p., 1299-1613p., Plates; Figures; 26cm.
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