"This book essentially deals with the subject areas of International Tourism, vocalising more on the emerging challenges and future prospects. The prime motivation for writing such as book stems from the fact that a better idea of contemporary trends in global tourism industry is truly relevant for understanding the phenomenon of tourism at different levels. Also, the fact that it has been one of the prime yardsticks for indicating the present day globalized economy. The still widening gap between the rich and the poor nations, and growing global concern for sustainability in ecological, economic and cultural terms, provide the rationale for undertaking such an endeavour. This is where lies the significance for such a basic work."
Contents: Preface. 1. Introduction to international tourism. 2. Contemporary trends, patterns and issues in international tourism. 3. International tourism and the environment. 4. Third world tourism: issues and options. 5. India’s tourism policy and action plan. 6. Conclusion. Index.
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