Introduction to Environmental Science

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A study of the environmental studies is indispensable for all the citizens of the world. The continuing problems of pollution, solid waste disposal, degradation of environment, loss of forests and diversity are issues concerning all of us. In spite of the deteriorating status of the environment, study of environment has so far not received the required attention in academic programmes. Recognizing this the Honorable Supreme Court has directed UGC to make a basic study of environment, a compulsory subject at all undergraduate level of studies. This book is an attempt to cover the module syllabus recommended by UGC. The book is an attempt to cover the module syllabus recommended by UGC. The book is designed and presented in a simple and lucid way, with many illustrations, tables and case studies. It aims to fulfill the knowledge gap and also to arise curiosity and motivate people towards the environmental issues at global, national and local levels. The uniqueness of the book is chapter 25 on field projects, where guidelines and checklists are provided to undertake the field projects for practical understanding of the problems of environment.


Y. Anjaneyulu, M.Tech (Environmental Management), M.Sc. (Environmental Technology) and M.Sc. (Industrial Chemistry). He has 30 years of teaching experience and presently working as Director, Institute of Science and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyd. He is involved in designing and conducting postgraduate courses. He has already authored books on environmental science and technology, besides presenting 70 research papers in journals.


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Introduction to Environmental Science
1st ed.
xxvi+734p., Figures; Tables; Plates; References; 25cm.