Ironical Comedy of R.K. Narayan is an exhaustive study of Narayan’s major fictions. Herein a critical and analytical study of the novels in ironical perspective has been so nicely done. The emphasis is on the satirical and caricaturish presentation of Narayan’s characters. A close study of Narayan’s expression of irony, structural design, craft of fiction, characterisation, its locale—Malgudi compared and contrasted with the Wessex of Thomas Hardy has been made. The book consists of six chapters, but crowning all is the very first chapter wherein an scholarly and exhaustive study of irony in its varied forms, tone and intonation finds full flowering. The focus, on the whole, is on the ironical aspects of the comedies of R.K. Narayan. The book is invaluable and quite useful for the readers, researchers, teachers and students of Narayan’s fiction.
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