Islam and Gender Justice: Questions at the Interface" is a solemn attempt to rediscover the Qur’anic basis of gender equality and thus to provide a convincing case about why Islam is not intrinsically a patriarchal religion and why Muslim women and men can jointly struggle for fairness and equity within an Islamic framework. This is, also, a passionate intellectual plea for reinterpretation and rereading of the Quar’anic text based on the Scriptural norms of fairness and justice. The book boldly searches for an alternative interpretation, based on the concept of justice in Islam without evading important issues. It is a bold and serious attempt towards determining the status of woman in Islam in a bid to recapture the spirit of Qur’anic revelation. The arguments are systematically and cogently developed and there is a paradigm shift is from inherited frameworks. Pertinent Qur’anic verses and authentic Hadith relating to multi-dimensional issues on the subject of gender are analyzed hermeneutically as well as linguistically. The implications of the thesis are both interesting and impactful in contributing towards developing a theoretical basis for a Qur’anic theology on gender justice. It dispels much misunderstandings and stereotypes about the status of woman in Islam and the religion of Islam per se. I commend the book of "Islam and Gender Justice: Questions at the Interface" whole-heartedly to readers, as it will draw them closer to the primary sources of Islam, the Qur’an and authentic Hedith.
Foundations of Educational Technology Evaluation and Assessment
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