The volume comprises some 100 panegyrics, articles and research papers that deal with various aspects of Sanskrit, Indology and Musicology. The eulogical and laudatory poems, memoirs and tributes to Prof. J. S. Kulshreshtha bring out characteristics of his personality and his contribution to Sanskrit, Indology and Musicology. The papers in English and Hindi discuss Vedic, sociological, education, religious, linguistic and literary aspects of Indian society and culture. They take up the Indian Epics and Puranas, and works of Panini, Kalidasa, Nagananda, Kautilya, Apastambha and Aurobindo to throw light on the evolution of Indian traditions and thought. The Dharmashastras, sun worship, music and dance, marriage and dowry, puppetry are among the various specific themes covered.
Jagadisayasolaksmih: Indology on Cloud 9; Prof. Jagdish Sahai Kulshreshtha Ekanavatimahotsava Festschrift
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Dr. Ram Karan Sharma (born March 20, 1927 at Shivapur, Saran, Bihar) was initiated to vedic and allied studies (including Ayurveda) on traditional lines by Pandit Ambikadatta Sharma at Lokamanya Brahmacaryasrama, Muzaffarpur. As a full bright scholar, he worked with Prof. M.B. Emeneau at the University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A. He worked with other eminent Professors like Pandit Uma Nath Jha. (G.B.B. College, Muzaffarpur) and Dr. Ishvara Datta (Patna College) affiliated to Patna University. He was founder Director, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan; Vice Chancellor, Sampurnanand Sanskrit University and Kameshvara Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University; Joint Educational Adviser, Govt. of India; Visiting Professor, Universities of Columbia, California and Chicago also at the University of Bihar. Presently he is the President of International Association of Sanskrit Studies. Areas of his special interest are: Panini, Mahabharata, Darsana, Kavya and Ayurveda. More than one hundred research papers and about a dozen major publications he has authored. His creative writings include Sandhya (Poetry), a recipient of Sahitya Akademi award and Sima (Novel) a recipient of Bharatiya Bhasha Parishad award.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sushma Kulshreshtha
D.Phill., S.Litt., F.R.A.S. (London) Ex. Visiting University Professor of Sanskrit, Ranchi University, Rachi. Member, Faculty of Arts, University of Delhi. B.A. (1962) 1st class, Banaras Hindu University; M.A. Sanskrit (1964) 1st class 1st Vikram University, Ujjain; D.Phil. (1969) Allahabad University; Diploma in Pali Language & Literature (1972)1st Position with Distinction, University of Delhi; Puranetihasacarya (1981)1st class Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, D.Litt. (1989) Randhi University. Teaching Sanskrit in Daulat Ram College & University of Delhi since 1966. Guiding M.Phil. and Ph.D. scholars since 1970. Sponsored and nominated by ICHR, ICSSR, UGC, Deptt. of Culture, Ministry of HRD & ICCR, Govt. of India, participated, presented papers and organized panels in VI World Sanskrit Conference at Pennsylvania University, Philadelphia, USA in 1984, VII World Sanskrit Conference at Kern Institute. University of Leiden, the Netherlands in 1987, VIII Conference of the International Association of Buddhist Studies at University of California. Berkeley, USA in 1987, XXXIII Interational Congress of Asian and North African Studies at University of Toronto, Canada in 1990, VIII World Sanskrit Conference at University of Viena, Austria in 1990, IX World Sanskrit Conference at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Autralia in 1994, V & VI Sakyadhita International Conference of Buddhist Women at Phnon Penh, Combodia in 1997-98 and at Lumbini, Nepal in 2000 respectively and international Conference on Sansrit in South East Asia at Silpakorna University, Bangkok, Thiland in 2001. Participated in 151 sessions of the World Sanskrit Conference, All India Oriental Conference, Indian Philosphical Congress, Akhila Bharatha Darsana Parisad, All India Kalidasa Samaroha, U.G.C. Seminars and NCERT workshops and presented papers. Books Published – 50 : (i) Samskrta-Gitanjali 1973. (ii) Brhattrayi: eka tulanatmaka adhyayana, 1983. (iii) Kalidasa-sahitya evam Vadana-kala, 1986. (iv) Kalidasa-sahitya evam Sangita-kala, 1988. (v) Kalidasa-sahitya evam Pasupksi-sangita, 1989. (vi) Meghaduta-Sangita-Pallavi, 1990. (vii) Samskrta-Sangita-Vaijayanti, 1991. (viii) Rtusamhara-Sangita-Surabhi, 1992. (ix) Prabhakara-Narayana-Srih, 1993. (x) Gems of Indian Music and Musicology, 1994. (xi) Erotics in Kalidasa-I: Nayakanayikagunalankara, 1995. (xii) Jewels in Sanskrit and Musicology, 1995. (xiii) Srirubhasacaritam, 1996. (xiv) Gems of Buddhism, 1996. (xv) Samskrta-Sangita-Ratnasati, 1996. (xvi) Art of Embrace & Kissing, 1998. (xvii) Art of Nali Marks & Amorous Biting, 1999. (xviii) Kavayitri-Kanthabharanam, 2000. (xix) Amrta-Nirjhari: Ya Srstih Srasturadya, 2000. (xx) Sabdarthasaundarya-Sahastracandri, 2001. Reasearch Papers: 125 articles and research papers published in reputed Journals, Felicitation and Commemoration Volumes in India and abroad. Elected Member of the Executive Committee of All India Oriental Conference (1976-86, 1990-2002). Elected President of the Technical Sciences & Fine Arts and Pali & Buddhism Sections of the 33rd, 36th, 39th, 40th and 41st AIOC and Jt. Secretary of the 38th AIOC. Awards and Laurels: (i) Samskrta Siksaka Puraskara, Delhi Sanskri Akademi. (ii) Samskrta Sahitya Puraskara’ U.P. Sanskrit Sansthan, Lucknow for the years 1996, 1998 and 1999 (Thrice). (iii) Banabhatta Sammana, UPSS, Lucknow for the year 2000. (iv) Felicitated in Limca Book of Records-2002.
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Jagadisayasolaksmih: Indology on Cloud 9; Prof. Jagdish Sahai Kulshreshtha Ekanavatimahotsava Festschrift
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Bibliographic information
Jagadisayasolaksmih: Indology on Cloud 9; Prof. Jagdish Sahai Kulshreshtha Ekanavatimahotsava Festschrift
1st. ed.
Sanjay Prakashan, 2012
xxxii+466p., 25cm.
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