The History of Buddhism in India and Tibet by the great scholar Boston Richen grub-pa. Also called Burdon Riposte, is held in great esteem by Tibetan and Mongolian learned lamas. It is distinguished from the work of Traumata by the plan of its compositor, ft consists of three parts. The history proper is preceded by systematical review of the whole of Buddhist literature so far as preserved in Tibet and it is followed by a systematical catalogue of works, authors and. translations of all the literature contained in the Kanji and Injure collections, the first Part is of. an overwhelming scientifically value: 1t represents a synthesis of everything which directly or remotely bears the stamp of Buddhism. The whole of its literature sacred and profane is here reviewed as divided in periods, schools and subject matter. No one was better qualified than Bu-stone for he was one of the redactors of the Kanji and Tenure collections in their ft4L form.
Jewellery of Scripture
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Jewellery of Scripture
1st. ed.
231p., 9.0 inch X 5.5 inch
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