Judicial Activism and Human Rights of Women and Children

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The volume re-examines the judicial interpretation of legal problems of women and children in India. Citing various relevant legal instruments vis-à-vis checking violence against women and children and collecting case laws from law reports, it addresses sexual exploitation and abuse of children especially the cases decided by the Supreme Court and the High Courts. It focuses on evolution of human rights, human rights of women and children, enforcement of human right in India, violations of human rights, role of judiciary in the protection of human rights, and public interest litigation as a manifestation of judicial activism in this context. Meant to be a valuable resource tool for research, it is concerned with the legislative and judicial initiatives towards empowerment of women and aspects of child welfare-the situation concerning trafficking of children, child labour and the girl child in India.


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Judicial Activism and Human Rights of Women and Children
1st. ed.
xxxiii+294p., Illustrations; 23cm.