This is a study of Kakatiya Ganapatideva and his times. Ganapatideva was one of the greatest kings in the history of South India. He ruled over an extensive kingdom for a period of sixty three years, i.e., A.D. 1199 to A.D. 1262. The materials to reconstruct the history of Ganapatideva, can be grouped into inscriptions – stone and copper plate, literature and traditional accounts. All the above categories give information about the life of Ganapatideva. In order of importance the inscriptions stands first. Most of the Kakatiya epigraphs are in Telugu or Sanskrit and very few in Hade Kannada. The script used is more frequently Telugu than Devanagri. Chapter I "Antecedents" traces the making of the empire by the predecessors of Ganapatideva. Chapter II "Ganapatideva on the throne". The next chapter recounts the history of several of his feudatories and officers who stood as strong pillars of the Kakatiya Kingdom. The fourth chapter sum up the administrative and military organisation. The fifth chapter is describing about the reign of Ganapatideva during his reign there was contentment and prosperity in society. The sixth chapter sums up the economic conditions during his reign.
Colonial Hegemony and Popular Resistance: Princes, Peasants and Paramount Power
The historiography of ...
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