We now present before you the author’s masterpiece, "Keynotes of the Materia Medica, adding there to the characteristic symptoms of the most important remedies under the style, "Red Line Symptoms," gleaned from the author’s writings, appearing in several old foreign journals, together with the other important ones, collected from the writings of the great homeopaths of the by-gone days. Each sterling symptom in the context other than that of Dr. Lippe has the name of its author indicated against it in abbreviatory form. The book is now as accurate and reliable a compilation and the fullest collection of the most common remedies as it is possible to obtain within its compass.
Keynotes & Red Line Symptoms of the Materia Medica
by A. Von Lippe
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Adolph Graf zur Lippe-Weissenfield was born May 11, 1812 near Goerlitz, in Prussia, and died on January 23, 1888 in Pennsylvania. Dr. Lippe was educated in Berlin and came to the United States in 1838. He first settled in Reading (Berks County), PA and set up practice. To further his knowledge, in the fall of 1838 Lippe registered in the first and only homeopathic medical college in the world, the North American Academy of the Homeopathic Healing Art in Allentown, Pennsylvania, also known as the Allentown Academy. On August 28, 1841 Lippe passed his final examination in front of Drs. Wesselhoeft, Detwiller, Freitag and Romig and graduated with a Doctorate in Homœopathic Medicine. Lippe said that "the possession of an Allentown diploma is an honor to its holder, as it was only obtained by worthy applicants. Many who tried to pass were rejected as incapable." The Allentown Academy closed soon after this and Lippe was their last graduate. After this rigorous training, Lippe moved from Reading to Pottsville, PA in 1841 where he practiced with success and growing ability until 1844 when called to a larger field in Carlisle, PA. J. C Guernsey, the son of H. N. Guernsey, wrote in his rendering of the history of homeopathy in Pennsylvania that "by Dr. Lippe's labors in Carlisle and the neighboring counties where homeopathy was unknown, he opened a large field for our school." Throughout this time, Dr. Lippe made a name for himself with his treatment of various epidemics common in the Cumberland Valley. Then in 1850 Lippe moved permanently to Philadelphia and took two gentlemen from Carlisle with him to pursue the study of homeopathy. Dr. Lippe held the position of chair of Materia Medica at the Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania from 1864-1869. He helped launch several of the best homeopathic journals ever to be published, including the Organon, the Hahnemannian Monthly, and the Homeopathic Physician. His unswerving commitment to pure homeopathy was unparalleled, even in his day! Considered by many to be one of the most clinically successful homeopathic physicians in our great legacy, Dr. Lippe's multitudinous publications provide a blueprint for homeopathic practice. From his suggestions on how to study Materia Medica to his exposition of Hahnemannian homeopathy, Dr. Lippe gives us incontrovertible evidence of a highly successful homeopathic method.
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Keynotes & Red Line Symptoms of the Materia Medica
275p., 18cm.
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