Killari (Latur) earthquake of September 30, 1993 was one of the deadliest stable continental intraplate events which took heavy toll of life and property and jolted the scientific community once again, after the Koyna event, regarding the stability of the peninsular shield. Major part of peninsular India was thought to be generally aseismogenic except in certain domains like the Cambay graben, the West coast, the Son-Narmada tectonic belt and the Mesozoic Gondwana grabens. The Killari earthquake defied all these presumptions and necessitated relook into the seismotectonics of this region.This publication presents immense amount of data generated by the Survey, aiming at the understanding of the source mechanism of the event. It is unique in the sense that it collated and synthesises the multidisciplinary database and attempts in the integration of the geological inputs with the geophysical inferences.

Killari Earthquake, 30 September 1993
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Killari Earthquake, 30 September 1993
1st ed.
282p., Figures; Plates
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