Government of India proposed many projects/schemes to improve the socio-economic conditions of farmers in India and wanted to transfer technologies from the research stations to farmers’ fields. The programme like national demonstration, Operational Research Project, Lab to Land, watershed management, etc, and Krishi Vigyan Kendra was initiated during the year 1974 at Madur, Karaikal, Pondicherry under the host organization of Government of Pondicherry and subsequently placed under the administrative control of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. Based on the activities of this KVK, Planning Commission approved the proposal of the ICAR to establish 18 KVKs during the Fifth Five Year Plan. The strength of the KVKs reached to 541 as on today and it may be about 585 because each district in the country will have one KVK, irrespective of the size and area of the district. The main functions of the KVKs are to conduct training programmes, on-farm trials, front line demonstrations, extension education, livelihood programmes, etc. The jurisdiction of the KVK is only within the district. This is hoped to cater the needs of farmers, farm women, rural youth, artisans, etc. in rural areas. There is no proper documentation till now. Hence this book is proposed to cover all aspects for the benefit of the scientists, extension workers, administrators, planners, etc. The KVKs are managed by State Agricultural Universities, ICAR Institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations, etc. These are wholly funded by Indian Council of Agricultural Research so as to improve the knowledge of the farmers and other rural people in technologies of agriculture and allied enterprises for improving productivities and profitabilities of farming activities so as to improve the socioeconomic conditions of the rural people.
Krishi Vigyan Kendras for Rural Transformation
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Dr. L L Somani (b. 1945) did his graduation and Ph.D. from the University of Udaipur, Udaipur. He had all through a brilliant academic career and also holds Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism. He was awarded Post-Doctoral Commonwealth Fellowship (1975-77) to undertake research at Waite Agricultural Research Institute, Adelaide (Australia). He has also served the Gujarat Agricultural University. He is currently working as Professor at S.K.N. College of Agriculture, Jobner. He has been honoured by the 'Dhiru Morarji Memorial Award' (1984) for agricultural Science by the Fertilizer Association of India. He has published over 200 papers and articles in national and international journals of repute. He is associated with several academic societies. Besides being the editor, compiler of monumental Dictionary of Agricultural and Allied Sciences Series, Dr. Somani has published many other outstanding books.
Dr. M.S. Prasad, qualified Scientist with M.Sc. (Ag) and Ph.D. in Agricultural Extension. He has about 30 papers to his credit. He is Principal Scientist in Agricultural Extension. He is Incharge of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Rangareddy District, Andhra radish), CRIDA, Hyderabad.
Dr. Y.S. Ramakrishna, Director, CRIDA, Hyderabad has a doctorate degree in agricultural meteorology. Earlier he worked as project Coordinator of All India Coordinated Research Project on Agro-meteorologyu. He is recipient of ICAR Gold medal and several publications in national and international journals. He has visited several countries during his professional career and immensely contributed in the field of agro-meteorology and dryland agriculture. He is actively involved in pioneering public-private partnerships in development and transfer of dryland technologies.
Dr. Y.V.R. Reddy graduated in B.Sc. (Ag) in 1968 from APAU; M.Sc. (Dairy Economics) in 1970 from NDRI; DBM (PG) in 1976 from Banglore university. Ph.D. in 1977 from Agra University and LLB from Osmania university. He joined as dairy economist at Dudhsagar Dairy, Mehsana (Gujarat) on 17.9.1971, then joined at SRS of NDRI on 3.8.1972 and he joined at AICRPDA.CRIDA on 3.4.1979. He published about 300 papers in different journals/seminars/workshops/conferences. He guided 4 M.Sc. (Ag/dairy) and 10 Ph.D. students. He has contributed 10 chapters to different books. He published 4 Bulletins and 6 books to his credit. Now he is Principal Scientist (Agrl. Eco), Head section of design & Analysis and Officer-in-Charge, Krishi Vighyan Officer-in-charge, Krishi Vighyan Kendra, CRIDA (ICAR), Hyderabad.
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Krishi Vigyan Kendras for Rural Transformation
1st ed.
192p., Tables.
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