Lacrimal Drainage Surgery

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Tearing disorders are among the most common dilemmas that ophthalmologists encounter. Restoration of lacrimal system patency involves surgical techniques that are challenging to master and frequently have unpredictable results. The close relation between eyes and nose demands an interdisciplinary approach. Ophthalmologists and rhinologists work together in the treatment of lacrimal drainage system to produce the best results. Interdisciplinary cooperation between ophthalmologists and rhinologists has advanced the present day treatment of lacrimal disorders. There is no single method for the lacrimal drainage surgery. There are different approaches for the surgical management of nasolacrimal disorders. Lacrimal drainage surgery can be a problem to many eye surgeons.

Rhinologists are trained to inspect the area of neo-ostium by nasal endoscopy and treat the pathology by removal of granulations, polyps, synechiae and punch out overhanging mucosa, agger nasi cells, anterior ethmoid sinus, anterior end of middle turbinate, and septoplasty for deviated nasal septum. Ophthalmologists, who are not trained in nasal endoscopy and not conversant with nasal and paranasal sinuses surgical anatomy may benefit from the basic chapters on these subjects. Rhinologists may benefit from basic knowledge on physiopathology of lacrimal disorders.


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Lacrimal Drainage Surgery
1st. ed.
108p., 8.5" X 11"