Land System and Management in the Colonial Period: A Study of Barak Valley

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The book explores the features of land systems in a Pan-Indian Context. Land systems, land management and revenue settlement in the Barak Valley region during British Period have been brought to light in this book. Connected subjects like land grant, the role of Khel in the changed circumstances, revenue patterns, employment of officials are analysed in this book. An attempt has also been made to trace out the effects of new land settlement on the people and their reaction against this change. The Barak Valley is situated in the extreme North-Eastern Part of India. Before the advent of the British Rule the present Barak Valley which was under the princely regime has its own land systems. The land system underwent a significant change during the colonial period. In fact, during the colonial period there were different land systems in different parts of India. An attempt has also been made to analyse the impact of land systems on the economy of the valley during the colonial period. The book should be of immense use to students, teachers, professionals and laymen interested in the colonial land and revenue administration of the Barak Valley in particular and India in general.


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Land System and Management in the Colonial Period: A Study of Barak Valley
1st ed.
xvi+148p., Tables.